ANTICORRay REP – repair system

System components:
- primer
- damage filling material
- damage filling material
- repair patch

A repair kit for reconstruction and rapair of damaged insulation (3LPE, 3LPP) along buried and above-ground steel pipelines. The system complies with EN 12068 (DIN 30 672- 2000) standard in class C HT60 (high temperature).
- To repair deep damages (metal pipe) not larger than 100 × 200mm. Using all three components of the system.
- The repair of surface defects (not reaching the metal pipe) with dimensions greater than 10 mm in diameter, using: ANTICORRay Melt Stick and ANTICORRay REP.
- The surface defects to be repaired (not reaching the metal pipe) having a width up to 10 mm (scratch), using: ANTICORRay Melt Stick.
The repair system ANTICORRay REP is used in a wide range of pipe diameters with coated 3LPE and 3LPP (continuous use temperature to 60°C), for damages not exceeding 100mm x 200mm.
For larger damages, we suggest using a heat-shrinkable sleeve ANTICORRay WSS60 together with the cavity filler ANTICORRay Melt Stick.
The repair system ANTICORRay REP is used in a wide range of pipe diameters with coated PE and PP (continuous use temperature to 70°C).
Use the following variants of the system depending on the type of damage anticorrosive coating:
- To repair the deep damage (metal pipe) not larger than 100 × 200 mm:
- ANTICORRay Epoxy Primer 801
- ANTICORRay Mastic Filler damage filling material
- ANTICORRay REP repair patch
- To repair the deep damage (metal pipe) larger than 100 × 200 mm:
- ANTICORRay Epoxy Primer 801
- ANTICORRay WSS60 shrink sleeve
- The surface defects to be repaired (not reaching the metal pipe) having a width less than 10 mm (scratch):
- ANTICORRay Melt Stick damage filling material
- The repair of surface defects (not reaching the metal tube) with dimensions greater than 10 mm in diameter:
- ANTICORRay Mastic Filler damage filling material
- ANTICORRay REP repair patch
Detailed repair technology of coatings for different variants of damage is presented in the User’s ANTICOR Sp. o.o. No: DMTA-AN-21.