8th Conference ENERGAS

Jan. 24-26th of 2024 - Hotel Kocierz & SPA, Targanice

On January 24-26, the 8th edition of the ENERGAS 2024 Technical and Scientific Conference “High pressure gas pipelines – new technologies, specialized works, services and gas network infrastructure devices” took place. As in the previous year, ANTICOR had the pleasure of being the main partner supporting this event.
Mr Marcin SŁABY – member of the ANTICOR management board and Technical and Development Director, during the conference had a lecture entitled “Retrowrap technology: innovative protection of steel surfaces in high humidity conditions.”
We would like to thank both the speakers and the engaged audience. Guests and partners once again proved how important it is to care for the development of technologies related to the development of gas network infrastructure.
We would like to thank Gascontrol Polska sp. z o.o. Polska sp. z o. o. for trusting us once again as an event partner.

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