09-13.09.2018 Cracow
On September 9-13, 2018 in Cracow, the largest European corrosion conference EUROCORR took place. This event is organized annually by the European Corrosion Federation in a member country, together with the national association, a member of the EFC. In Poland, EUROCORR was organized together with the Polish Corrosion Association. During the Congress, we presented 2 lectures by representatives of our company: – 1 Corrosion in the oil and gas industry: Casing Filler technology – lectured by Mr. Marcin Słaby. – 2 Sea corrosion: Corrosion protection of steel elements – lectured by Mr. Tomasz Bochenek. The conference program, apart from the reports submitted by the participants, included plenary and introductory lectures, meetings of all 23 working groups (in 12 parallel sessions) specializing in particular areas of corrosion and workshops specially planned for a given conference edition.